The Bigger View
The Bigger View is a political blog meant to encourage discussion about new ideas. Please vote in the poll to the right each time you come to this blog, and also feel free to comment on posts.
One Thought on How to Stop Rogue Countries With Nukes
One thing that has been in the news for a few years is the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea. In the Cold War we saw how both the US and USSR both having nuclear weapons might have avoided all out war because of mutual destruction. What if we used a similar situation to stop Iran and North Korea? We could send in inspection to see what weapons they have and tell these countries they are free to have as many weapons as they want. However, for every weapon Iran makes, we give Israel the equivalent, and for every weapon North Korea makes, we give South Korea that weapon. The countries would see that first; firing missiles at these countries would mean full retaliation, as these countries would have little to lose after being nuked. Second the invention of new weapons would not give the rogue countries a leg up on the countries they want to conquer or destroy.
The use of the state of the Union
Tonight is the State of the Union address. I hope that the president uses the speech wisely. The best use would be to use the address to go on the offensive and attack Democrats as weak on security for criticizing the bypassing of courts to wire tap terrorists. This is the best bet for gaining seats in congress this election. I would also like to see no response Zawahiri's video tape tomorrow. This would snub him and really annoy the terrorists.
Hackett needs to leave politics
I will begin with a favorite quote that Paul Hackett has been using at campaign stops as he runs for Senator.
"The republican party has been hijacked by religious fanatics that, in my opinion, aren't a whole lot different than Osama bin Laden and a lot of other religious nuts around the world,"
As a conservative Christian you will have to excuse me as I drop some bombs on this senator wannabe's campaign. We elect politicians based mainly on character, personality, party, and issues, but one thing we also need to look at is how polite the politician is. How could are government work if everyone kept saying things like Hackett's quote above? Also does Hackett think he's going to win a election insulting everyone with a religion. No, he just sealed his fate of losing his campaign. He should stop drawing attention to himself so that he does not embarrass the Democratic Party.
Israel Loses Much With Sharon
One story that I find unsettling is the stroke of Ariel Sharon. Sharon was a strong leader who had the influence and courage to withdraw from Palestinian territory. No other leader in Israel has the power and courage to do such a drastic move. The loss of Sharon will set the peace process in Israel back years, if not decades, and cause the death of many more people in the conflict between Jews and Palestinians.
Back From London
I am now back from London and have my life in order so regular posting will start again. One of the main things I noticed in England was the age of all the housing there. Most people would say that this is because England is much older than the US. What the age of the houses really means is that Great Britain's population is not growing. This is an important part of what is leading to the eventual Muslim majority Europe, the failure of the population to grow.

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