The Bigger View
The Bigger View is a political blog meant to encourage discussion about new ideas. Please vote in the poll to the right each time you come to this blog, and also feel free to comment on posts.
Immigration Controversy is Coming
The Senate is debating a bill on immigration this week that would make every illegal immigrant and anyone who assists them a felon. Immigration is a divisive issue in that it divides each party. It will probably take a presedential election where both canidates agree to find a consensus on the issue. I find this bill awful because there are many charities that help immigrants once they get into America. These charities would now become a bunch of felons. The way I see it is if you have to take your family to America so that you can feed them, then the government shouldn’t stop you. We could use more border control, but we should also let in all Mexicans that want to live in America. If we let them come in legally we can control border security. We should better secure our borders, as long as it doesn’t cost too much money. I have included links to several different views on immigration.
Mexican View View
Liberal View
Jill Carrol Freed
Christian Science Monitor journalist Jill Carroll was freed today by her captors known as Brigades of Vengeance. She had been a hostage since January 7. This is great news. This has been the secon hostag release this month. It seams that terrorists will have to back away from taking hostages now because they have failed with this tactic twice in the past few weeks.
George Bush Could Be A Little More Like Clinton
This week President Bush has made several appearances this week culminating in a press conference. This seems to be working for President Bush, he made a similar week long campaign in late November and early December of last year, and his approval ratings went way up. This was the constant style of the Clinton Presidency. President Clinton was always campaigning even when election was not approaching. His Presidency was marked by a constant appeal to the public to support his programs. I believe that this has redefined how the office of the president works with the media. Having these week long campaigns would work well for Bush if he did this about every other week. This would especially help with the public’s view of the Iraq war. The most important way we judge Bush in Iraq is on whether or not he has a plan to win the war. If he is constantly talking to the public about the war we have the sense that that he has a plan. From FDR's fireside chats we can learn that in wartime every president should heighten their communication with the public. There is always doubt in war and the president needs to alive those doubts.
Hostages Rescued

Three Christian aid workers hostages were
rescued in Iraq today. There are many good details in the story. British and American troops were both used in the operation, showing that our troops are working well together. Iraqi forces were used in the operation, showing that we can trust them in such an important operation. With the rescue of the hostages terrorists will hopefully think twice before taking more hostages.
Atheism Should Be Treated As a Religion
One issue that America is always striving with is religion. Many times we try to protect the freedom of religion, but yet we destroy that freedom. One problem is that people think the only way to protect the freedom of religion is the government endorsement of Atheism. Atheism, however, is a belief about god, and so it is a religion. Treating Atheism just like any other religion would protect the freedom of religion in the U.S. If we are in a setting where we do not see using a religion as appropriate, we should not use atheism.
Dubai Company To Hand Over US Ports
Today I am a little disappointed with America. Dubai Ports World has decided to hand over operations to a US firm. This decision was of course based on all the grief that congress has given the president about the ports deal. This grief was solely based on racism. The only reason that people questioned this deal was because the company is from a Muslim country. It is racist to think Muslim means terrorist, which is what people have been assuming. Some people cite terrorists in the United Arab Emirates, but England, the country of the former owner of the ports, has more confirmed terrorists than the UAE.
The Long War
Yesterday I came across a new term that could be very important in the coming years. This term is to describe the strategy to win the war on terrorism. The defense department has decided that the war on terror and extremist Muslims will last over the next 10 to 20 years, hence it have named the conflict The Long War. The Long War Strategy also says that there will be short unexpected conflicts and crisis that will require quick response. The DOD does not predict where these conflicts will happen, just that they will.
This means several things. First the department of defense will invest more in things such as cruise missiles from submarines, close to shore naval capabilities, and more unmanned aircraft. It also calls for making partnerships with foreign governments because they will be more capable in many situations because of their knowledge of the area of a crisis. The strategy also calls for more covert action.
Anti-gay Anti-American Activists Disgrace Soldier's Funerals
I was appalled by
what I read on cnn today. I can't really explain to you why they are doing this because I don't understand it, but anti-gay activists are holding protests at fallen soldier's funerals. These hate filled people are evil, and are a disgrace and discredit to our country and everything we stand for. They're form of bullying should be stopped. They have already held protests at dozens of funerals.
Why the Nuclear Deal With India?
It seems that over the past few weeks that the media has done a bad job of covering some very important stories. They neglected why the port deal is happening, which I wrote about in my previous post, and now they have neglected why President Bush singed a deal giving India Nuclear technology. At the heart of the deal the reason was not to bring India into the nuclear community and have inspections of some of their nuclear plants. What good does it do that we inspect just some of their plants, and leave the rest to do whatever the Indian government wants? The real reason the president signed such a deal is environmental.
India has such a fast growing population that will surpass China, for the world’s larges population, within 50 years. The Indian economy is growing just as fast. All this growth means that India will need a lot of energy to fuel its economy. The US would be severely hurt if they had to compete with India for nonrenewable energy sources. So instead we can now get India to use Nuclear energy, meaning more oil and coal for the US.
The Story Behind The Port Deal

I have been surprised that with all the controversey about the Dubai Port deal no one has brought this up. The sale of Eastern US Ports to The United Arab Emirates is affected by Iran policy. If we wanted to bomb nuclear facilities or nuclear weapons in Iran, the United Arab Emirates would have an
air base that we would need to be able to reach Iran. If we don't have the use of that air base, Iran would ahve very little stopping it from making nuclear weapons. For this reason we can not afford to drastically hurt our relationship with the UAE.

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