The Bigger View
The Bigger View is a political blog meant to encourage discussion about new ideas. Please vote in the poll to the right each time you come to this blog, and also feel free to comment on posts.
Lieberman Good Bet for President
With the latest news coming out of Connecticut, Lieberman now has the best chance of anyone to become President of The United States in 2008.The current voting patterns show that the number of independents has been growing for many years. With current amount of opposite party hate going around Lieberman is the big name independent that fed up independents and moderates would vote for. The big name is important. Most people don't support independents because they have no chancel, but Lieberman’s reputation will give him a chance right away, he will need no silver bullet or huge controversy to get a chance. Money will be a problem for any independent, but Lieberman’s name recognition helps here as well, also he won't need as much money because he will not have to pay to run a primary campaign. One other underrated advantage that Lieberman has is that he has run for president before. He ran in 2000 for vice president with Al Gore. That experience is a good advantage to have when running for president.
Al-Qaeda Reveals Its Incompetence

The terrorist plot that was foiled today confirms one thing that we have always suspected about Al-Qaeda. We knew that they are evil cowards, but now we know that they are also very stupid. Osama Bin Laden does not seam to have the intelligence to realize that he can't keep targeting the same things every time. We all know that there many unprotected areas in America that Al-Qaeda could target. Instead the terrorist organization just keeps going after airplanes. Its just a like a football coach that calls the same play the entire game. We know exactly what Al-Qaeda is going to try to do. They are trying to blow our planes up. They always have and they always will. If we were to destroy all the airplanes in America and England Al-Qaeda would still be making plans to blow up our planes. Not only can we easily protect a single target, but also Al-Qaeda’s consistency completely undermines the whole point of being a terrorist organization. No American is afraid of Terrorist in their day-to-day life. We only even consider terrorism when we are on a plane. The next time we pray, we should thank God that Al-Qaeda is so stupid.

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