The Bigger View
The Bigger View is a political blog meant to encourage discussion about new ideas. Please vote in the poll to the right each time you come to this blog, and also feel free to comment on posts.
About Christmas
I found a great
article in the Cyber News Service.
Here is a part from it.The American Family Association said it gathered advertising inserts from 11 different companies that were placed in two southern newspapers (the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal and Memphis Commercial Appeal) on Nov. 27. Combined, the inserts totaled 280 pages. Of the 11 companies, only one -- McRae's/Belks -- had a reference to "Christmas," AFA said. The other 10 companies did not mention "Christmas" a single time, but the term "holiday" was used by those 10 companies a total of 59 times.The companies that failed to mention Christmas a single time in their 260 pages of insert promotions were Target, Kroger, Office Max, Walgreens, Sears, Staples, Lowe's, J.C. Penney, Dell and Best Buy, AFA said.
50 Babies a Year Live Through Abortion
Some 50 babies each year in England live through abortion. Read about it
here. At the least this shows the need to be more humane in the procedure. I wonder if it is the same here in the US.
Christmas is Called Christmas

It makes me wonder how anyone can actually be offended by the words merry Christmas. Ask yourself how anyone can actually be offended by the word Christmas. Really the people who have attacked Christmass are just nitpicking just to get at groups of people that they do not like. There have been many cities that will not have Christmas trees and instead they have "Holiday Trees." What about the stores that now have their empoyees say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. I would find it humurously ironic, and fitting if they were to get boycotted. There is some
good news on the subject though. Merry Christmas and if your offended you deserve it.
A Step Towards Peace
The Gaza Strip was opened up today so that Palestinians could cross the border over to Egypt. This is supposed help the economy in Gaza. This seems to be a step in the right direction. Sharon’s withdraw from Palestinian territory looks to be the best chance for peace in Israel.
Some people think that Sharon has lacked integrity lately. Seeing as he has two sons in trouble with the law for campaign fraud and Sharon has abandoned his party.
Arguing the War
This post is going to have a little different format from my usual ones. On my last post I got quite the reaction from an anonymous commenter. I'm going to post what that person said and then respond to their argument.
AnonymousThe fact that you stated "if we leave now another Saddam Hussein would take power" baffles me. After watching months of reports, I have seen that everyday citizens of Iraq have expressed their distrust and hatred towards Saddam. So, if they really had such sentiment, why would they allow such a character to rise to power once again? You also say that "we would breed many new terrorists". Aren't we already doing that by being over there? Not only in Iraq, but in surrounding Islamic states? I saw the need to take Saddam out of power, but the way the government presented their case for entrance into Iraq was just down right ridiculous- the way the American people were misled was shameful. Finally, you say that "if we pull out of Iraq it will be our very lives at stake". Now, when you say "our", I am assuming that you mean the lives of the men and women sent across the world to fight. All I have say is that "our" lives are more at stake by being there, than pulling out. "Our" lives are being lost everyday from insurgents setting off roadside bombs- the insurgents, who are the minority in a country where the acceptance of the United States abounds. The focus in Washington seems to change daily, in avoidance of the war. If it were so right, why would our government avoid it? If it were so right, wouldn't people praise the government? When you're wrong or you make a mistake, don't you try to avoid being the focus or center of attention? - THAT is what the people in Washington are doing.
Just One Thought
First history tells us that when one evil leader leaves another one can easily take his place. After Russia lost the Czars they had several corrupt communist leaders. After France lost their absolute monarchs they had Napoleon. Fear and anger is how some one like Saddam takes power, and unless the Iraq government has enough checks in place, the most ruthless would take power. Right now the US is that check. You say we are breeding terrorists right now, but if we leave Iraq to fend for its self, the people who were counting on us will hate us, and so will the rest of the Muslim world. When I say our lives it means every American. Every American is at more risk of losing their life to terrorism if we make mistakes that will cause more of it.
Losing The War
Although I can respect the argument that the war in Iraq is a mistake, the argument to withdraw from Iraq before the time is right is dangerous and unpatriotic. I have not felt the need to rebuttal such an argument before but it seems this week in congress has shown the need. We cannot leave Iraq soon. Iraq is not stable enough and politically and militarily developed enough to work on its own. The latest reports of torture chambers run by the interior department in Iraq are evidence of that. The U.S. is ensuring the integrity and legitimacy of the government. If we leave now another Saddam Hussein would take power. The Muslim world would never forgive us if we left Iraq as it is now. We would breed many new terrorists, and hatred for the U.S. This means that if we pull our of Iraq it will be our very lives at stake.
The politicians who support immediate withdraw are the hope of the enemy in Iraq. They can never make America leave. They can break our spirit. If we let them. The roadside bombs and ambushes in Iraq are meant to sway politicians to leave Iraq. If politicians, especially in congress, call for withdraw, they are telling the terrorists that they are winning. The congressmen tha
Jesse Jackson Saves The Day
Reverend Jesse Jackson shows off his amazing character, leadership and intelligence, this time in the NFL. I just wish he could do such great things more often, so I can have a laugh.
Riot Cover Up
Is France trying to cover up the riots? According to the
Brussels Journal they are. I think it is working too. When is the last time you saw the riots in the mainstream media. It has been a quite a few days for me.
Earthquake Ignored
I saw a small section on the news this morning about the earthquake in Pakistan. I wondered why the media hasn’t covered this event more. The quake killed just as many people as the tsunami did. I guess the Tsunami had live videos to go with it and the quake does not. With the Tsunami the blogs served to focus attention on such a big event when the media got bored with the story and moved on. Now blogs are more interested in the Panther Cheerleaders. Here are a few good blogs that talk about what is going on in Pakistan!1pxUyWc3WNlEOT8PbWbnO25A!611.entry
Elections Go Well As Always
Congratulations to Time Kaine and Jon Corzine on winning the governor elections it their states. After the past few elections I thought Democrats couldn't win elections, but I was wrong. In Ohio and California voters turned down several voting reforms, that if succeeded would have gone to other states as well. In Ohio
issues 2, 3, 4, and 5 were turned down by
margins I did not think were possible in state elections. This was an important vote because these amendments could have caused great harm to the integrity of elections. That is unless you judge integrity by whether John Kerry won your state or not.
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Anyone can now comment on posts so feel free to do so.
Rioting In France
rioting in France should be viewed as a signal of the changing trend in demographics in Europe. Studies have shown that around 2050 the
Muslim population will be the majority in Europe. Although the rioting began with a slightly different group it now shows the impact of the Muslim population. What this means for the future I am not able to say. This event shows how important what we are doing in Iraq right now. When Europe become Muslim it will look to the Middle East for leadership for some while, and it is important that there is a good example set.
How will America prevent a hardline Muslim Europe and what will we do if it becomes Hardline in spite of Us?

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