About Christmas
I found a great
article in the Cyber News Service.
Here is a part from it.The American Family Association said it gathered advertising inserts from 11 different companies that were placed in two southern newspapers (the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal and Memphis Commercial Appeal) on Nov. 27. Combined, the inserts totaled 280 pages. Of the 11 companies, only one -- McRae's/Belks -- had a reference to "Christmas," AFA said. The other 10 companies did not mention "Christmas" a single time, but the term "holiday" was used by those 10 companies a total of 59 times.The companies that failed to mention Christmas a single time in their 260 pages of insert promotions were Target, Kroger, Office Max, Walgreens, Sears, Staples, Lowe's, J.C. Penney, Dell and Best Buy, AFA said.