Arguing the War
This post is going to have a little different format from my usual ones. On my last post I got quite the reaction from an anonymous commenter. I'm going to post what that person said and then respond to their argument.
AnonymousThe fact that you stated "if we leave now another Saddam Hussein would take power" baffles me. After watching months of reports, I have seen that everyday citizens of Iraq have expressed their distrust and hatred towards Saddam. So, if they really had such sentiment, why would they allow such a character to rise to power once again? You also say that "we would breed many new terrorists". Aren't we already doing that by being over there? Not only in Iraq, but in surrounding Islamic states? I saw the need to take Saddam out of power, but the way the government presented their case for entrance into Iraq was just down right ridiculous- the way the American people were misled was shameful. Finally, you say that "if we pull out of Iraq it will be our very lives at stake". Now, when you say "our", I am assuming that you mean the lives of the men and women sent across the world to fight. All I have say is that "our" lives are more at stake by being there, than pulling out. "Our" lives are being lost everyday from insurgents setting off roadside bombs- the insurgents, who are the minority in a country where the acceptance of the United States abounds. The focus in Washington seems to change daily, in avoidance of the war. If it were so right, why would our government avoid it? If it were so right, wouldn't people praise the government? When you're wrong or you make a mistake, don't you try to avoid being the focus or center of attention? - THAT is what the people in Washington are doing.
Just One Thought
First history tells us that when one evil leader leaves another one can easily take his place. After Russia lost the Czars they had several corrupt communist leaders. After France lost their absolute monarchs they had Napoleon. Fear and anger is how some one like Saddam takes power, and unless the Iraq government has enough checks in place, the most ruthless would take power. Right now the US is that check. You say we are breeding terrorists right now, but if we leave Iraq to fend for its self, the people who were counting on us will hate us, and so will the rest of the Muslim world. When I say our lives it means every American. Every American is at more risk of losing their life to terrorism if we make mistakes that will cause more of it.