Losing The War
Although I can respect the argument that the war in Iraq is a mistake, the argument to withdraw from Iraq before the time is right is dangerous and unpatriotic. I have not felt the need to rebuttal such an argument before but it seems this week in congress has shown the need. We cannot leave Iraq soon. Iraq is not stable enough and politically and militarily developed enough to work on its own. The latest reports of torture chambers run by the interior department in Iraq are evidence of that. The U.S. is ensuring the integrity and legitimacy of the government. If we leave now another Saddam Hussein would take power. The Muslim world would never forgive us if we left Iraq as it is now. We would breed many new terrorists, and hatred for the U.S. This means that if we pull our of Iraq it will be our very lives at stake.
The politicians who support immediate withdraw are the hope of the enemy in Iraq. They can never make America leave. They can break our spirit. If we let them. The roadside bombs and ambushes in Iraq are meant to sway politicians to leave Iraq. If politicians, especially in congress, call for withdraw, they are telling the terrorists that they are winning. The congressmen tha