The Bigger View
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Thursday, December 01, 2005
  How to End Aids
A UN Report said that 40 million people in the world now have AIDs. I have a come up with a three step plan to bring the epidemic under control.

1) Unmarried people stop having sex

2) People do not rape other people

3) People stop doing drugs

Its amazing what can be achieved when individuals take personal responsibility for their actions, and the effects of their actions. My plan will never work because people are not willing to take that responsibility.
Where is the "Educate people on the way AIDS is spread so that they can avoid the activities" step? Africa has a lot of problems with AIDS and much of the problem can be attributed to not knowing how AIDS is spread. It's hard to avoid something you know nothing about.
The main issue is to educate, not to tell people that they can not have sex. Telling people to not have sex in this country is like telling a fat kid to not eat. Tell people how it is spread and how to protect themselves. If people listen, the problem will go away, but telling people to stop haveing sex and doing drugs in this country will not work and is a little extreme.
Though it is a good idea that people don't do drugs and wait till marriage.
and don't forget to stay in school, kids.
yeeaaaa no. instead of preaching to people what they should and shouldnt do our country needs to take action and actually accomplish something. we need to educate people and how about instead of charging thousands and thousands of dollars for the medicine to help with the symptoms we act reasonibly and humanely and sell it cheap to the governments, if not just give it to them.
Has our gevornment ever sold medicine just to make money? Our country will achieve nothing as long as people make the decision to give themselves aids.
I wouldn't put it past us
yes because you give yourself aids.

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