Patriotism and Parties

I am proud to be an American. I am proud to help take part in the political process. I am proud to be a republican as well, but I am also proud to have the democratic Party in our country. No other nation in the world has political parties that have so much integrity. I know each party has its faults, but none are across the entire party, and none these faults are to the degree or amount of political parties in other nations. The past few years are full of examples of parties in other countries lacking integrity. Look at the money laundering scandal in Canada, or how badly France reacted to the riots. This would not happen in America because of the wisdom and integrity of our parties. Our two political parties are much stronger than political parties in other nations. In another country if political party suffered something like Watergate it would fall apart, but not in America. Our two parties are a source of political stability. In other countries the parties would rig elections, do coup d'etat, or just fall apart under such circumstances. That would never happen in America. Both political parties in America need to respect each other much more. The other side could be worse, much worse.