The Bigger View
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Friday, December 09, 2005
  Religion and Hollywood
Today I watched a movie critic talk about the new Narnia movie. He talked about how Hollywood has tried to underplay and ignore the Christians. The same critic said that four times as many people go to church each week than watch a movie. As The Passion Of Christ has shown us, and Narnia probably will also, those movie companies that don't ignore Christians make a lot of money. This is very interesting because most of Hollywood is sacrificing a lot of money.
Say what? How is the passion of Crist ignoring Christians? That movie made tons of money. Maybe I just misunderstood what you typed.
I couldn't agree more that hollywood is giving up money by focusing attention away from christians in movies. I think that holywood sees christianity as a threat. Anything that takes away fans and attention may hurt them. Another reason, Hollywood wants to be larger than life, and they see Christianity as the average because most people go to church. Actors don't want to be the average joe going to church. That is why so many actors and entertainers are members of cults and odd religions. I think that it is the wrong view for Holywood to think this way. Christianity is something better than average. Christianity has been known to change people for the better whether you beleive or not. I think Hollywood will ultimately pay for it. People want to be able to see themselves as the famous, but nobody wants to join a cult. People will turn away from freaks worshiping pineapples. Most Christians are turned away from actors that support cults. "The Passion of the Christ" showed that people want to see Christianity. Christianity is bigger than life and it's accesible to all whether you worship pine apples or not.
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