Where This is Going
The description of the bigger view is "The Bigger View is a political blog meant to encourage discussion about new ideas." Discussion should not be hurtful in any way. I say this because I know that a large amount of traffic on this website is local, and many of these local visitors know each other. I ask that those people who know each other not to address by full name, do not even address the person by their name at all unless they reveal that in a comment. Also do not mention personal information about a person. One early commenter did so about me. I copied the comment with the personal information omitted. Also, even though this has not happened to any great degree please refrain from name calling, insults, being disrespectful and profanity. If I find any of this I will delete and then repost the comment omitting the error.
At saying that I would like to say a little about the goals of this blog. I love to get negative criticism. Feel free to disagree with me. If you just want to post a comment saying, "I agree" that is ok as well. On the right there is a poll that asks if you agree with the latest post. Feel free to vote on the poll every day. I would like to have a third of the people disagree with me, and the others to agree with me. This would tell me that we are discussing and debating ideas, but yet I am having some influence on opinion. I said earlier that a good deal of the traffic on this website is local. I plan on making this blog with national and even a little international following. I see this transition slowly taking place over the next year.