Immigration Controversy is Coming
The Senate is debating a bill on immigration this week that would make every illegal immigrant and anyone who assists them a felon. Immigration is a divisive issue in that it divides each party. It will probably take a presedential election where both canidates agree to find a consensus on the issue. I find this bill awful because there are many charities that help immigrants once they get into America. These charities would now become a bunch of felons. The way I see it is if you have to take your family to America so that you can feed them, then the government shouldn’t stop you. We could use more border control, but we should also let in all Mexicans that want to live in America. If we let them come in legally we can control border security. We should better secure our borders, as long as it doesn’t cost too much money. I have included links to several different views on immigration.
Mexican View View
Liberal View