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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
  Sam Brownback is the Dark Horse for Republican Ticket

In the lead for the Republican Ticket for presidency in 2008 there are many canidates who fit into the same mold of liberal on social values and conservative on economic policy. These include Mitt Romney, George Pataki, Rudy Giuliani, Jon McCain, and Condoleezza Rice. The frontrunners for the nomination are all pretty much offer the same thing. Many republicans will want something different. That’s why they could vote for Sam Brownback. He is conservative on social values unlike the current front runners, which gives voters another option to vote. Most people know very little about Sam Brownback, so he will get to paint his own picture of himself instead of the media or the opposing party. Name recognition won't be a problem. Christian Conservative leaders have already offered their support to Senator Brownback. At a time of his choosing he could accept their support and make himself very well known. Only a few other candidates would even be able to challenge him among Christian. The only major challenge would come from Bill Frist who has lost a lot of popularity lately because of his actions on stem cell research and Terry Schiavo. Sam Brownback certainly is the Dark Horse to win the Republican primary.
Are you nuts?
I have just never heard of the guy, and with just more than 2 years till election day he had better get his contingency behind him and turn on the afterburners
Two years is a long time. The only thing that people knew about George Bush two years before he ran for president was that his dad was president.
Good point, david reke. I'd never heard of him before then either.
oh this is a very informative
post! i actually enjoyed reading
this - very well explained too. thanks, this is very useful!
Great information..
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