The Bigger View
The Bigger View is a political blog meant to encourage discussion about new ideas. Please vote in the poll to the right each time you come to this blog, and also feel free to comment on posts.
At London
For the next week I will be on a trip to London, so there may be a lull in the posting on this site. If anything happens noteworthy in the country I will probably post though.
Bring On the Bull
2006 will be a return to bull markets in the US, and a strong economy. Unemployment has been creeping down all year, and will probably level off at 4.9% which is where it was before the hurricanes this summer. The new jobs aren't lesser paying ones that some people have said they are. The average hourly wage has gone up 3.2% this year. Higher pay, coupled with gas prices around $2.20 a gallon have fueled consumer and industrial spending that is expected to keep its pace through out the year.
Speech On Iraq
Tonight President Bush gave a speech to the nation from the oval office. I found this speech to be very open, revealing the emotions of our president and admitting to making mistakes. One point that should have specific consideration is that we should have the military in Iraq made the decisions of troop withdraws and not politicians in congress. When it comes to our protection we should trust the people whose job it is to protect us, and not people who are trying to get elected.
Religion and Hollywood
Today I watched a movie critic talk about the new Narnia movie. He talked about how Hollywood has tried to underplay and ignore the Christians. The same critic said that four times as many people go to church each week than watch a movie. As The Passion Of Christ has shown us, and Narnia probably will also, those movie companies that don't ignore Christians make a lot of money. This is very interesting because most of Hollywood is sacrificing a lot of money.
The Attack On Christmas
Has our
president joined the bandwagon?
Its Not Race, Its Money
Since Katrina there has been many allegations that the government has mistreated victims because of their race. Although racism still happens in America today, much of the perceived racism in our country is not really race, but treatment based on economic status. Lets say you are driving y0ur car through a bad part of town. When you stop at a stop sign a black guy crosses the street. Do you lock your doors? What if it was a white guy? Now let’s give you four options. What if the Black guy was wearing a suit? What if the White guy was wearing a suit? What if both these men were dressed like stereo typical gangsters? You would lock the doors for the men dressed like gangsters, and leave the doors unlocked for the men in suits. Now the issue is not color of the men’s skin, but the economic status of the men represented by how he dresses.
Patriotism and Parties

I am proud to be an American. I am proud to help take part in the political process. I am proud to be a republican as well, but I am also proud to have the democratic Party in our country. No other nation in the world has political parties that have so much integrity. I know each party has its faults, but none are across the entire party, and none these faults are to the degree or amount of political parties in other nations. The past few years are full of examples of parties in other countries lacking integrity. Look at the money laundering scandal in Canada, or how badly France reacted to the riots. This would not happen in America because of the wisdom and integrity of our parties. Our two political parties are much stronger than political parties in other nations. In another country if political party suffered something like Watergate it would fall apart, but not in America. Our two parties are a source of political stability. In other countries the parties would rig elections, do coup d'etat, or just fall apart under such circumstances. That would never happen in America. Both political parties in America need to respect each other much more. The other side could be worse, much worse.
Where This is Going
The description of the bigger view is "The Bigger View is a political blog meant to encourage discussion about new ideas." Discussion should not be hurtful in any way. I say this because I know that a large amount of traffic on this website is local, and many of these local visitors know each other. I ask that those people who know each other not to address by full name, do not even address the person by their name at all unless they reveal that in a comment. Also do not mention personal information about a person. One early commenter did so about me. I copied the comment with the personal information omitted. Also, even though this has not happened to any great degree please refrain from name calling, insults, being disrespectful and profanity. If I find any of this I will delete and then repost the comment omitting the error.
At saying that I would like to say a little about the goals of this blog. I love to get negative criticism. Feel free to disagree with me. If you just want to post a comment saying, "I agree" that is ok as well. On the right there is a poll that asks if you agree with the latest post. Feel free to vote on the poll every day. I would like to have a third of the people disagree with me, and the others to agree with me. This would tell me that we are discussing and debating ideas, but yet I am having some influence on opinion. I said earlier that a good deal of the traffic on this website is local. I plan on making this blog with national and even a little international following. I see this transition slowly taking place over the next year.
How to End Aids
UN Report said that 40 million people in the world now have AIDs. I have a come up with a three step plan to bring the epidemic under control.
1) Unmarried people stop having sex
2) People do not rape other people
3) People stop doing drugs
Its amazing what can be achieved when individuals take personal responsibility for their actions, and the effects of their actions. My plan will never work because people are not willing to take that responsibility.

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